Simple decorations
Kor kor reciting well wishes idioms from a piece of paper
Christmas presents from Aunty Geri
"Something dashed by…"
"Oh no, there's a fire!"
View from grandma's living room
It's even in the news
Reciting well wishes idioms from his paper again
Annual visit to grand uncle in Bedok
Very first Ang Bao-s from Alan kor kor and June jie jie!
Daddy and mommy forgot to give us our red packets. Wishing them good wishes to get our red packets before bed.
(Day two)
Kor kor playing for the first time.
Beginner's luck 😄
Cousin Aydan
Aunty Shanel's dog, Droopy
(1 February)
Uncle Thomas and Aunty Fang Fang (表舅 and 表舅妈) came over for lunch with baby cousin Luke