Monday, December 27, 2010

My Baby Shower

Grandma and Granduncle Andrew are not going to the party, so they visited us in the morning to give me their blessings.


Handmade banner and mini bibs by mommy.

My nanny (for a month)

Xinyun jie jie simply loves her marshmallows

My first family portrait

A surprise birthday cake for daddy, as that day was daddy's birthday too. Special thanks to June jie jie for helping us with this surprise.


Mom and dad's little helper.

Daddy's colleagues has a surprise present for him too.

Great-grandma's leg was in pain due to a fall and can't go to the party, so we visited her on the day I officially turned one-month-old.


Grandaunt Pauline and 
granduncle Chuan

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello World

Hello! My name is Ryden (brave knight). I arrived on 25 November 2010.  My weight at birth was 3.135Kg and I was 49 Cm tall. 

My Chinese name is '奕豪'. It means 'Healthy' and 'heroic' (brave). '豪' is also the Chinese character for oyster, as in 'The world is my oyster'. 


Daddy and mommy bought this bag on my behalf as a present for my kor kor

The nanny who's going to take care of me and Mommy for a month.

A small surprise for mommy from our normally unromantic daddy.