Sunday, November 6, 2016

I'm Six!


Mommy made these keychains for 
my classmates and their siblings.

For my teachers

Cute gift bags side by side.
 Teacher's (big) 
Classmates' (small)

Mommy also made these cards....

.... and guided me to write special messages to my classmates whom had been looking out for me for the past three years.


I helped to distribute cakes.

Thank you Aunty Serene (Sera's mommy) for helping mommy to take photos. 

For my birthday song, please go to YouTube: Ryden's 6th birthday.

Feeling blessed to receive birthday presents from my friends.

From Angelyn

From Cara Sim

From Sera

From Qing Rui

From Ronald John
(And a big box of colour pencils. I opened it before mommy could take a picture)

From Nicole, Sarah and Sandra