Saturday, November 26, 2022

I am 12!

For my classmates

For Sera, Scarlett and Rayner

Present from Aunty Serene

For Josh kor kor and Cara

Present from Aunty Peggy
(The pencil case is Cara's birthday goody bag)

25 November
(Ray kor kor was in Cambodia)

Chance meeting with my P3 friend

Jump, jump, jump with joy!

Where is Scarlett?

26 November

Movie with daddy and mommy
(Kor kor still in Cambodia)

No, I was NOT showing my rude finger 😅

It was almost 12 midnight but we were still waiting for kor kor.
His flight was delayed due to super heavy rain.

Happy birthday kor kor!

For Coach Harry and my swimming class friends

Saw a cute squirrel close up on our way 
to swimming class