Monday, June 26, 2017

June School Holiday

This one week school holiday is filled with fun and laughter!

Mommy helped grandma to 
wrap Bak Zhang (粽子). 

Shu Shu and Shen Shen 
boiling the Bak Zhangs.

I'm protecting the Bak Zhangs 
from greedy "cats".

We received a Hari Raya goody bag from my school (Pathlight). A nice uncle delivered it to our doorstep. There's even a gold packet with $150! 


Daddy was in an adventurous mood. We had one impromptu cycling date with June jie jie and two impetuous staycations.

The Punngol Settlement. 
(Kor kor was in Scout's camp.)

June jie jie says that this 18 years old kor kor looks like daddy when he was young. (He's a part timer at the bicycle rental shop)


Jeremias kor kor and Jeremy kor kor were staying over for three days. We went to NTUC to buy groceries. However, our basket was filled with lots of snacks instead. Daddy looked at the snacks and asked mommy: "Shall we bring these snacks and those noisy monkeys to "bomb" chalet?"

Three hours later…

I got high scores thanks to the bumber that prevented my balls from rolling into the drains.

It was the first time I am playing table soccer without any help and I found my calling! I-AM-TALENTED!






Jeremy kor kor and me 😁

It was late at night when daddy told mommy: "Let's go to Malaysia tomorrow, and stay at KSL for a night. And… we are meeting my mom (grandma) at 8:30am, so cannot be late." Say what?! Mommy had to rush to pack our overnight bags.

Lunch at Old Town White Coffee Malaysia

Playing with mirrors in the lift.

Kor kor's first experience with 5D Star Wars video game. I dared not play but I was happy sitting next to kor kor enjoying the bumpy ride.

This drink is called 初恋 (First Love)
Apple cider vinegar

Night market outside KSL hotel 
on every Monday.

Grandma bought 3kg of lychees and a big (glass) bottle of mangoes submerged in syrup. Mommy felt a sense of déjà vu. 😥

(Grandma bought 3kg of rambutans when we were here three years ago)


Sunrise. The bad quality of mommy's HP camera did not do justice to the amazing view we saw with our eyes.

Breakfast at the hotel cafe, 
requested by kor kor and disappointed.

Swimming with dinosaurs is a 
must-thing-to-do at KSL Hotel.







Lunch at Dragon-i (龙的传人) before heading to Malaysia custom.

Celebrating Father's Day 
at JPOT Tampines 1

I went to June jie jie's house for the first time and had lots of fun with her dogs.

Other animals at June jie jie's house

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