Tuesday, January 2, 2018

1st day of Primary One

Thank you Aunt Cera for my new pencil case and card holder. Water bottle is from Santa (aka Mommy).  

My new school bag, a birthday 
present from Aunty Serene.

Waiting for bus at bus stop.

Daddy took leave to accompany 
me on my 1st day of school.


School hall


Long queues at every food stalls, 
so I ate daddy's breakfast instead.

Sitting with my classmates

I wanted to ask mommy where the rubbish bin is. Out of habit, I raised my hand before talking. 😅

Saw my kindergarten friend, Sera!

Back to class

Mommy can't get enough pictures of me. Mommy says this is the one and only time she is allowed in my classroom.

Making a magic picture. 

My picture will magically turn from black and white to coloured one!

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