Monday, January 13, 2020

Jeremy Sleepover / Early Reunion Lunch with 外婆

Annual Beehive Cookies making at grandma's house.

Tell you a secret… daddy and mommy helped for an hour only. It was all the hard work of grandma, Uncle Desmond and Aunty Wida. 🙊

(1/4 of the final quantity)

My kor kor went to a missionary debrief with Aunty Cera and family. Jeremy kor kor came over to our home for sleepover since he don't have to attend the debrief. 

Supposed to be our reunion dinner at this restaurant but without kor kor, it was not a reunion.

Reunion lunch with 外婆 

Daddy was forced by mommy to change his sweaty shirt.

Our dinner the next day. 
Leftovers from the reunion lunch
(Mommy took this picture because she found it "pretty" 😑)

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