Saturday, December 2, 2017

Taiwan - Day 3

Last day in minsu so the adults took lots of photos for tomorrow's memories.

The cottage that's our home 
for three days

Feeling annoyed because mommy told me that the sign says I am not allowed to go in.

Grandma with the lady of minsu

Daddy discovered this huge teddy bear sitting at the reception area and asked for permission to bring it out for some fresh air. We had lots of fun capturing precious moments with it before boarding the chartered vans for Taipei.


Stopped for five minutes because Jeremy kor kor was feeling motion sick.

Beautiful wild flowers that 
are as big as my hand.

Mommy mischievously asked me to stand under this sign for a pic and everyone started giggling…

小乌来 Skywalk

Mommy loves this glass-bottom platform but daddy was terrified 😅


Let's go hiking!

Help! Daddy and jie jie wants to throw me into the waterfall!

Mommy taking an artistic photo

June jie jie taking a photo of mommy taking an artistic photo.

We had no idea what kind of food/fruit was this but it looked so cute.

Mommy's hand and my thumb

Continue with our long journey to Taipei.


Mommy finally got to eat the food she's been dreaming about. ❤️

  Kor kor loves his chicken wing stuffed with glutinous rice.


June jie jie will never walk away from Hello Kitty.

Scallop topped with generous serving of cheese. 

After much pestering, I got mommy to buy me my first toy in Taiwan. ✌️

Shopping time = boring time

Kor kor bought a mystery box (his first purchase in Taiwan) with his pocket money.


It's a lady's card holder.

Daddy bought one too out of curiosity.

A key pouch holder

There was nothing interesting to see or buy, so we went back to game stalls.

Must-buy snack!

It was only six o'clock and the sky was already dark. The road was filled with motorcycles rushing home after work.


Mommy had always been curious about this traditional Chinese snack of candied fruit and wanted to try. However, she was sorely disappointed.


I enjoyed their Taiwan black pig sausage. I ate quite a lot of the sausage throughout our stay in Taipei.

Cheese potato highly recommended by June jie jie.

Daddy and grandma queued 
for a long time for this.

Finally reached our hotel room at 9.30pm

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