Sunday, December 3, 2017

Taiwan - Day 4

Adorable display at the hotel lobby

Free beverage station 
outside the hotel

It was too early for business but the colourful paintings on the shutters made us felt like we were walking through an art gallery.


Started off with a gentle ride. It goes round like a mini Ferris wheel.

This height chart claimed that I'm too short to go on this ride 😭

Wishing that I will magically grow a bit taller while waiting for them

Lunch at Burger King

A charming photo bomber

"Why is this toilet so small mommy?"
"Are you sure I'm allowed to use it?"
"Is it for babies?"
(So many doubts but no answers)

Just an engine room yet so lovely.

We were in carriage 3 from right.
Photo taken by Aunt Cera.

Did I grow taller?

Cute caterpillar and adorable me

After half an hour in the gift shop, I finally chose this for myself.


While we were having fun at the Children's Amusement Park, daddy and June jie jie accompanied grandma to Lungshan temple of Manka (艋舺龍山寺).


Mos burger restaurant

Reunion with daddy, grandma and June jie jie for lunch at Addiction Aquatic Development (上引水產)

Drooling kor kor 😁

Daddy only chose mommy's favourites… 😒 Mommy finished the sashimi all by herself, and she says the oysters is to die for. 

Kor kor and I refused to eat our spaghetti because it was too dry. But we finished three chawanmushi, it was super smooth and duper yummy.


Short stroll to the subway station

Subway train coins (tickets). Left is for a child and right is for an adult. They have same design for front and back and same size. "What's the difference?" You asked? The locals told us that the adult's coin is dark blue. Go figure 😁


饒河 night market 

We spent a very long time (and lots of money) at this stall, so please forgive mommy for photos spamming.


Daddy trying his luck with Taiwan's "scratch and win" (刮刮乐). He won the exact amount spent on the cards.

I got all excited when I spotted this police car and asked mommy to take this picture.

Daddy and mommy went for a short couple-time while kor kor and I were sleeping. Thank you June jie jie for staying with us till they return.


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