Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Impromptu Christmas Celebration

Superlicious durian cake from Uncle Desmond's boss

This morning, Daddy says: "The prawns are so fresh and cheap today. Let's call June jie jie and ask her to come for lunch with Alan kor kor." Then he spent hours in the hot kitchen.


Grilled prawns with cheese

Prawns with chilli crab sauce

Honey turkey ham with homemade pineapple sauce

A kiss from Jeremy kor kor and me
(in exchange for another hour of playtime on hand phone)

Jeremias kor kor and Jeremy kor kor went home, we got bored…

Alan kor kor decided to show off his cooking skills too. He cooked Japanese curry for dinner. It captured mommy and my kor kor's hearts.


Christmas presents from Uncle Clement and Aunty Cera

(Kor kor's)


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